Which length measuring device is most suitable for my company?
If you decide to use a length measuring device to measure your cables, there are several options to choose from. Choosing the right device for your company depends on three factors: the material, the length and the diameter of the cables. In order to select the right length measuring device, you will need to know which type of cables you want to measure. What material are they made of – and are they all made of the same material? Do the cables vary in diameter a lot? And will you only measure short pieces or mostly longer lengths?
Cable material
Cables come in all shapes and sizes; electrical cables, ropes, tubes and steel wires, for example. For the first three, you can use any length measuring device. However, if you want to measure steel wire or steel cable, you will need to use a device that is specifically suitable for this type of material. This is because steel cable is a very hard material, which means you will need a measuring wheel made of more wear-resistant material in order to prevent grooves developing in the wheel. For specific applications, the measuring wheels can also be coated with a layer of polyurethane rubber (Vulkollan), which ensures that the often greasy steel cable has a good grip on the wheel. Devices that are suitable for measuring steel wire are more expensive. Download length measuring device guideLong versus short cables
The length of the cables to be measured determines whether you can use a manual length measuring device or whether you should opt for an electrically powered device. For lengths between 10 and 50 metres, a manual length measuring device is generally sufficient. However, if you need to measure short cables very often, a length measuring device combined with a winding machine would be a cost-effective investment because it would save an enormous amount of time and effort. All steps – measuring, winding and cutting the cable if necessary – are then carried out in one process. The combination of a measuring device and a winding machine is the best option for measuring cables between 50 and 10,000 metres in length.Small or large diameter
Each length measuring device is suitable for a certain range of diameters, for example from 3 to 25 millimetres, from 5 to 120 millimetres or from 12 to 52 millimetres. Of course, each of the various types of machines comes with a different price tag. So you really need to know which diameters you are working with and which device is right for you. If you use cables that differ greatly in diameter, it may even be better to have two different devices. And again, price will be a factor here. That is why you need to calculate how often you will need to measure the different cables and whether it would be worth investing in a second device. The minimum diameter for all types of machines is 3 or 5 millimetres. If you work with thinner cables, for example steel wire with a 1-millimetre diameter, you can equip your device with an attachment for measuring cables of this thickness.Selection tool
Want to find out which length measuring device is suitable for your company? Then download the handy length measuring device selection tool. This will help you to decide which device is best for you in three simple steps. You can also get in touch with us to discuss the possibilities, free of obligations. Download length measuring device guideVraag vrijblijvend een offerte aan
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